Music Lesssons are the most important aspect of learning to play an instrument. The challenge is knowing if exams are for you.
Many factors are involved :
Do you need to be working at a certain level for GSCE ? Normally grade 3-5
Maybe a career in music ?
Remember just because your friend has grade 8 Rockschool in guitar, piano or drums does not mean his an outstanding player. People will rush through grades without learning the backbone to music ; music theory, ear tests, sight reading and learning different styles.
We have tons of students who come from colleges around the area ; Halesowen College , Dudley College and some from Bromsgrove College. All of these feel they are all rounded in terms of playing styles and have the foundations covered.
What does it really mean though to become a true musician or player.
The most important point is YOU know exactly what you want from us.
-Pro Music Tuition LTD